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A command-line tool for processing audio files. Here's the usage information:

Full Usage Information
[Square brackets] are used to indicate required arguments.
<Angled brackets> are used to indicate optional arguments.

waffles_audio [command]
   Tools for processing audio files.
   amplify [in] [scalar] [out]
      Amplifies [in] by multiplying every sample by [scalar], then saves to
         The filename of an audio track in wav format.
         The amount to amplify. (Positive values less than 1 will reduce the
         volume. Values greater than 1 will increase the volume.)
         The filename to which to save the results.
   makesilence [secs] [filename]
      Makes a wave file containing [secs] seconds of silence
         The number of seconds of silence to generate.
         The output filename.
         -bitspersample [n]
            Specify the number of bits-per-sample.
         -channels [n]
            Specify the number of channels.
         -samplerate [n]
            Specify the number of samples-per-second.
   makesine [secs] [hertz] [filename]
      Makes a wave file containing [secs] seconds of a perfect sine wave with a
      frequency of [hertz].
         The number of seconds of sound to generate.
         The frequency of the sound to generate.
         The output filename.
         -bitspersample [n]
            Specify the number of bits-per-sample.
         -volumn [v]
            Specify the volume (from 0 to 1).
         -samplerate [n]
            Specify the number of samples-per-second.
   mix [in1] [scalar1] [in2] [scalar2] [out]
      Mixes [in1] and [in2] to produce [out].
         The filename of an audio track in wav format.
         The amount to amplify [in1]. (Positive values less than 1 will reduce
         the volume. Values greater than 1 will increase the volume.)
         The filename of an audio track in wav format.
         The amount to amplify [in2]. (Positive values less than 1 will reduce
         the volume. Values greater than 1 will increase the volume.)
         The filename to which to save the results.
   pitchshift [in] [halfsteps] [out]
      Shifts the pitch of a wav file (without changing the rate).
         The filename of an audio track in wav format to pitch-shift.
         The number of half-steps to shift the audio track. Positive values
         will shift to a higher pitch. Negative values will shift to a lower
         The filename to which to save the results.
         -blocksize [n]
            Specify the block size. [n] must be a power of 2.
   reduceambientnoise [noise] [in] [out] <options>
      Learns the distribution in [noise], and subtracts it from [in] to
      generate [out].
         The filename of an audio track that samples ambient noise. (This is a
         recording of your studio with no deliberate noise--just computer fans,
         light hum, a/c, mic noise, or other nearly-constant sources of noise
         that are difficult to regulate.)
         The filename of an audio track in wav format from which you would like
         to remove the ambient noise.
         The filename to which to save the results.
         -blocksize [n]
            Specify the size of the blocks in which the audio is processed. [n]
            must be a power of 2.
         -deviations [d]
            Specify the number of standard deviations from the noise mean to
            count as noise. Larger values will make it more aggressive at
            reducing noise, with more potential to disrupt the signal. Smaller
            (or negative) values can be used to make it less aggressive.
   sanitize [in] [out] <options>
      Finds segments of quiet in the input wave file, and replaces them with
      complete silence.
         The filename of an audio track in wav format.
         The filename to which to save the results.
         -seconds [s]
            The length of time in seconds over which to decay the volume until
            it reaches zero. Only segments of at least twice this length will
            be sanitized (because there must be enough time to fade out, and
            then fade back in).
         -thresh [t]
            The volumne threshold (from 0 to 1). Segments that stay below this
            threshold for a sufficient length of time will be replaced with
   spectral [in] <options>
      Plots a spectral histogram of the frequencies in a wav file. The output
      is saved as a PPM file.
         The filename of an audio track in wav format.
         -start [pos]
            Specify the starting position in the wav file (in samples) to begin
         -size [n]
            Specify the number of samples to take. This will also be the width
            of the resulting histogram in pixels. [n] must be a power of 2.
         -height [h]
            Specify the height of the chart in pixels.
         -out [filename]
            Specify the output filename of the PPM image that is generated.
      Print usage information.

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